Here are some of my favorite things to study. Maybe you'll find them interesting, too. These links will open in a new window and take you out of the Kids Boogaloo website.
What did people do before computers? I mean, way, WAY before computers. They used clay tablets and styluses to write cuneiform, of course. Start learning about one of the oldest written languages here.    
It was the largest library in its day. It housed hundreds of thousands of scrolls by the ancient world's scholars until it was destroyed by angry mobs, fire, or both. It was the Great Library of Alexandria. Start learning about it here.
Speaking of libraries... have you ever wondered what those numbers on books' spines are? Start learning about Melvil Dewey and his decimal system here. (By the way, the DDN for the commercial processing of kidney beans is 664.805652 - thanks to Ms. Suby's ThinkQuest team).